Series of illustrations inspired by articles made by The Guardian.
"...Scores of millennials, many well into their late 30s and early 40s, shared the view that high housing costs were the main reason they could not afford to pay enough into their pensions, and that they were prioritizing saving up for ever-rising house deposits..." - Jedidajah Otte

"...In the UK, a tired driver who kills someone can be charged with death by dangerous driving or death by careless driving. Professional drivers of goods and passenger road vehicles must maintain logbooks, record hours of work and rest... Yet proving that a crash was caused by driver fatigue is still an onerous task..." - Linda Geddes

"... But as winter approached, with Arp just months away from taking his hives to California, his bees started getting sick... his story is not unique. Commercial beekeepers who send their hives to the almond farms are seeing their bees die in record numbers, and nothing they do seems to stop the decline..." - Annette McGivney

"... There is a charged relationship between the viewing (or hearing) public and these patients. Sitting on our sofas, we can project our own distress on to the people baring their souls to us, and maybe gain insight into our own difficulties. Kay was driven by this idea..." - Eleanor Morgan