Series of illustrations inspired by articles made by New york times.
"...the reality of life in fashion media is typically different from the public perception. This is because models often work in debt to agencies, which retain power of attorney, giving them the ability to receive payment and otherwise manage aspects of their clients’ financial lives..."

"...New York hasn’t raised the attorneys’ fees since 2004, creating a shortage that has denied the most vulnerable their constitutional right to a lawyer...leaving many of the most vulnerable New Yorkers without their constitutionally guaranteed right to counsel..." - Jonah E. Bromwich

"...even the most enthusiastic transplants remarked on a raft of unforeseen drawbacks: pests, property damage, social isolation, automobile dependence and a scarcity of health care and child care providers — conditions that locals have grappled with all their lives..." - Julie Lasky

"...Amid that worsening crisis, companies and countries are increasingly investing in tree planting that carpets large areas with commercial, nonnative species in the name of fighting climate change..." - Catrin Einhorn